Self-hosting Turso libSQL

4 min read

Turso offers a SQLite like database called libSQL as an alternative to conventional dbs like PostgreSQL and MySQL. I was curious, so I tried hosting it on an Ubuntu VPS. I used Coolify and Deno for generating the JWT to secure the server.

What is libSQL?

libSQL is an open-source fork of sqlite. It's super fast, lightweight, and pretty simple to self host.

The syntax and usage feels the same as sqlite but it is accessible over HTTP and websockets. It's even possible to target the sqlite file directly, so it's perfect for integration testing in CI pipelines for speed.

// Example targetting an sqlite file named `local.db`
import { createClient } from "npm:@libsql/client";
const client = createClient({
  url: "file:local.db",

Self-hosting Turso

Turso created a server mode for libSQL called sqld which we'll be using on a VPS (Virtual Private Server).

There are a few options for self hosting sqld, but I'll be using the prebuilt Docker image method. You can run the docker image manually or use a self-hosting tool like Coolify.

Manual Docker

To start with Ubuntu VPS and docker:

  1. Run the docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d
  1. Now test the connection. Make sure to specify the VPS ip address and port (defaults to 8080).
// Save this to `test.ts` and run it `deno run -A test.ts`
import { createClient } from "npm:@libsql/client";
const client = createClient({ url: "http://x.x.x.x:8080" });
const result = await client.execute("select 1;");
  1. (Optional) setup domain name, reverse proxy, automatic restarts, persistance etc. Coolify makes this easier.


Coolify helps by managing the docker image, reverse proxy, health checks, and more. If you want to setup coolify check out their docs.

  1. We'll start with creating a new "Resource".
    • select "Docker Image" with
  2. Next we need to configure the exposed port
    • find General -> Network -> Ports Exposes and set it to 8080
  3. (Optionally) Set a custom domain.
  4. Save the changes and deploy.

Now let's test the connection. Remember to replace the url.

import { createClient } from "npm:@libsql/client";
const client = createClient({ url: "http://x.x.x.x:8080" });
const result = await client.execute("select 1;");

If the setup works, you'll see the data.

ResultSetImpl {
  columns: [ "1" ],
  columnTypes: [ "" ],
  rows: [ { "1": 1 } ],
  rowsAffected: 0,
  lastInsertRowid: undefined

Persist the DB file in Coolify

To persist the db between restarts and redeployment, create a volume for the resource.

Source path is the path on the host server, so set this based on your own convention.

Destination Path is the path in the docker container. By default, sqld stores the sqlite file at /var/lib/sqld/iku.db so I set it to /var/lib/sqld.

Add authentication to secure the db server

The server is currently public and anyone can read and write to the DB. Thankfully Turso has provided a way to secure the server.

To do this, sqld uses a public/private key pattern. The public key is configured on the server while the private key is used to sign a JWT for the client.

Use the public key in the server environment variable SQLD_AUTH_JWT_KEY_FILE.

The public key can be either of these formats, I'll be using the second one.

  • PKCS#8-encoded Ed25519 PEM
  • plain bytes of a Ed25518 public key in URL-safe base64 format

Next, let's talk about the private key. The private key is used to sign a JWT with the access permission payload. I want read and write permissions so I'll specify rw (ro for read-only).

Here's a Deno script to generate the public/private keypair. To run this, save this into a file gen.ts and run it with deno run -A gen.ts.

import * as jose from "npm:jose";

const access = "rw"; // or "ro";

const keyPair = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
    name: "Ed25519",
    namedCurve: "Ed25519",
  ["sign", "verify"],

const rawPublicKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", keyPair.publicKey);

const urlSafeBase64PublicKey = btoa(
  String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(rawPublicKey)),
  .replace(/\+/g, "-")
  .replace(/\//g, "_")
  .replace(/=+$/, "");

console.log("Public Key\n", urlSafeBase64PublicKey);

const jwt = await (new jose.SignJWT({ "a": access }))
  .setProtectedHeader({ alg: "EdDSA", "typ": "JWT" })

console.log("JWT\n", jwt);

This will output both the public key and JWT in the correct format, ready to be used.

Public Key

Place the public key into your server environment variable SQLD_AUTH_JWT_KEY_FILE, and test your connection to get a HttpServerError: Server returned HTTP status 401.

import { createClient } from "npm:@libsql/client";
const client = createClient({ url: "http://x.x.x.x:8080" });
const result = await client.execute("select 1;");

Now add the the JWT and test again. If you see the data, then it worked. The server is now secured using JWT-based authentication.

import { createClient } from "npm:@libsql/client";
const client = createClient({
  url: "http://x.x.x.x:8080",
const result = await client.execute("select 1;");


I do want to thank Turso for the great documentation, very well written and easy to follow.

Overall, I enjoyed the learning process for self-hosting libSQL. I'm not too sure how the dev experience is with testing, migrations or high volumes but will give it try.